Geosciences at the University of Basel
The geosciences at the University of Basel encompass the entire «Earth system». This includes the disciplines of Atmospheric Sciences, Aquatic and Isotope Biogeochemistry, Geology, Geoecology, Hydrogeology, Land Use Change, Physiogeography and Environmental Geosciences.
The interdisciplinary structure of the department corresponds to the modern understanding of the Earth system: physical, chemical and biological processes - in the past and today, on the Earth's surface and in its interior - are understood as part of an overall system and are recorded, analyzed and modelled using scientific methods. The impact of humans and their influence on the earth system is also taken into account.
Students of geosciences at the University of Basel are trained to analyze environmental conditions and assess ecosystem risks. The understanding of the earth system and the practical skills acquired enable graduates to contribute professionally to the sustainable development of our habitat.
Master's Ceremony Geosciences
The next Master's ceremony will take place on Friday, May 9, 2025.
- [Translate to English:] Veranstaltungen DUW
- [Translate to English:] Bachelor Infotag
- [Translate to English:] Master Infoabend
- [Translate to English:] Wenn das Weltklima Schluckauf hat - Prof. Dr. Dominik Fleitmann
- [Translate to English:] Herausforderungen der Energiewende - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Ruth Delzeit
Studiengangsekretariat Geowissenschaften
Yvonne Steiner Ly
Klingelbergstr. 27, 1. St., Zi. 1-04
4056 Basel
Mo-Fr von 9:00-12:15 Uhr
Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 36 45