Study geography at the University of Basel

At the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Basel, you have the option of studying the natural sciences-oriented mono degree program in geosciences, or you can choose the degree subject geography, which is studied in combination with a second degree subject. Both geosciences and geography can be studied at bachelor's and master's level.

Studierende stellen den Studiengang Geowissenschaften vor

Studierende stellen den Studiengang Geowissenschaften vor

Overview of the two bachelor's degree programs:


Bachelor's of Science,

affiliated to the Faculty of Science

6 semesters, 180 credits (European credit transfer system)

Bachelor of Arts, extra-faculty subjects,

is studied in combination with a second subject from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences or Sports Sciences

6 semesters, 75 CP (European credit transfer system)

Undergraduate studies (1 year): includes courses in the modules "Mathematics and Geoinformatics", "Fundamentals of Natural Sciences" (biology, chemistry or physics); "System Earth: Humans and Environment", "System Earth: Development and Dynamics", "Ethics", "Field trips"

Postgraduate studies (2 years): includes courses in the modules "Fundamentals of Natural Sciences" (biology, chemistry or physics), expertise and methodological skills from the electives "Geography and Geology" or "Environmental Sciences", electives (supplementary subject area), electives (outside geosciences) and a bachelor's thesis. A professional internship is possible.

The studies are divided into the modules "Scientific Foundations of Geography", "Specialization Landscape and Environment" and "Geographical Working Methods".

The studies include an 8-10 week professional internship.

Geosciences bridge the gap between environmental, natural and social sciences. Students thus gain a comprehensive understanding of the Earth system: from physical, chemical and biological processes in the past and present, to the influence of humans and the assessment of future environmental risks. Geography is an interdisciplinary degree subject that combines social and natural science content and methods. This integrative approach is the strength of this subject. The focal areas of geography at the University of Basel are environmental change and land use change.

Further information on the BSc Geociences

Uni Info Geociences (pdf, in German)

Further information on the BA Geography

Uni Info Geography (pdf, in German)