For any questions please contact the study administration Geosciences, Tel. +41 (0)61 207 36 45

Informational Events

For information concerning admission and application to the University of Basel please visit the following pages:

Admission & Application

Student Life



For any questions please contact the study administration Geosciences, Tel. +41 (0)61 207 36 45

Specific Advice
Aquatic and Isotope Biogeochemistry: Prof. Dr. Moritz Lehmann
Atmospheric Science:Dr. Nicolas Bukowiecki
Environmental Geosciences: Prof. Dr. Christine Alewell
Geoecology: PD Dr. Stefanie von Fumetti
Geoecology: Prof. Dr. Dominik Fleitmann
Land Use Changes:Prof. Dr. Ruth Delzeit
Physical Geography: Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Kuhn